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The Pullet is a passive equaliser originally designed to complement the Earlybird pre-amp. The Pullet will provide a variable Q…
Dual-channel all-valve mic preamp with distortion and EQ
Stereo tube EQ designed to add character to your master or mix bus.
16-channel summing valve mixer with attitude control inspired by the Fat Bustard
Stereo valve EQ designed for tracking individual instruments or mixbuss applications.
The Culture Vulture is a stereo valve distortion unit. Fantastic on many things, exceptional on bass and drums. This unit…
Limited edition of the classic Thermionic Culture Vulture with Mullard and Philips factory valves, balanced line I/O with gold plated…
All-valve stereo distortion and enhancer with new features such as new drive three-way toggle Switch, 15 step drive knob, Function…
VCA stereo buss compressor inspired by the legendary SSL G Stereo buss compressor with the addition of a grab setting…
500 Series stereo compressor with 6 Ratios, Side Chain Input and Filter, THD Circuit, and Wet/Dry Blend Control
Two-channel mic preamp using a hybrid design including both vintage and modern circuit based on the SP501 500 series mic…
500 series stereo parallel processor designed for mixing or mastering applications with front panel xlr input and output as well…
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